Our Faculty and Staff
Teachers at Little Folks are chosen for their experience and education in early childhood education and are required to attend staff meetings and numerous teacher conferences and trainings each year.
Faculty and Staff are subject to law enforcement background checks, fingerprinting, and must be CPR/first aid certified.
The founder and director of Little Folks is Deb, and she would be happy to answer any other questions that you may have.
Regular classroom volunteers must pass a background check and be fingerprinted. However, you may volunteer for field trips, if able and you're welcome to eat lunch with your child or help with special events.
Philosophy and Goals for the Children
Early childhood should be a journey, not a race.
Learning is planned throughout the day: fine motor coordination, puzzles, science and cooking, literacy activities, stories, music, movement, creative art, block play, family/house play, math skills and pre-reading skills/phonics, large motor play outdoors, and occasional field trips to enhance learning in these areas. When we go on field trips in our school bus, children are always buckled.
To assess your child's growth and progress, we use 'Ages and Stages Questionnaires' developmental screenings and developmental checklists. These are tools to assess how your child is growing and help us and you work together to help your child grow. We provide school readiness evaluation, developmental checklists and fall/spring parent-teacher conferences for all ages. We'll share these with you at conference time and your input about your child is welcome at any time.
We also utilize parts of the Creative Curriculum intertwined with our lesson plans to help us plan and meet developmental goals in all areas of growth and development for you child in activities we plan for our classes.
If there's a problem, see us; we'll try to find a solution with consideration to your needs and our philosophy and policies of our board.